Image with title of article and student holding phone that is logged into the Unite! Student Catalogue
The Unite! Student Catalogue is an online tool for students to find offerings at Unite! partner universities across Europe.
Image with title of article and student holding phone that is logged into the Unite! Student Catalogue
The Unite! Student Catalogue is an online tool for students to find offerings at Unite! partner universities across Europe.
The Unite! Student Catalogue: Educational Opportunities Across Europe
Image with title of article and student holding phone that is logged into the Unite! Student Catalogue
The Unite! Student Catalogue is an online tool for students to find offerings at Unite! partner universities across Europe.
Whether you are a student looking to expand your knowledge, a contact person/ teacher seeking to promote your course or programme, or a faculty member aiming to support your students, the catalogue has been developed to meet your needs.

Along with Unite!’s Official Instagram channel, the Unite! Student Catalogue is a strategic tool* that serves as a core communication channel for student offerings.


What’s in the catalogue?

The Unite! Student Catalogue is organised into four main categories: 

This category includes summer and winter schools, collaborative courses, virtual exchanges, doctoral school courses, and blended intensive programmes (BIPs).

Joint Master’s Programmes

These programs provide opportunities for integrated and multi-institutional degrees such as joint master's, double degree and multiple degree programmes which lead to a degree award.



We’ve carefully curated a collection of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provided by partner universities that align with Unite!’s themes of innovation, technology, engineering and sustainability. 


Extracurricular Activities

Beyond traditional academic courses, Unite! and its partners offer a range of extracurricular activities. These include the Unite! Seed Fund, the Unite! Virtual Fair, ideathons, poster contests, webinars and various other events.

How to benefit from the catalogue


The Unite! Student Catalogue serves as a one-stop shop for Unite!’s academic and extracurricular offerings from all nine partner universities. It allows students to explore what’s available across Europe. Uniters can also stay updated on new offerings via our official Instagram page.

Contact Persons

If you’re responsible for an educational or extracurricular offering and wish to have it featured in the Unite! Student Catalogue, we welcome your submissions! Please submit the details of your offerings through this submission formUnite!’s communication team promotes catalogue submissions via the Unite! website, Unite’s Instagram channel and also at the Unite! partner level.


Faculty members play a crucial role in guiding students toward suitable educational opportunities. Our research indicates that lecturers are trusted authorities when recommending courses or programmes to students. By sharing the offerings listed in the Unite! Student Catalogue, you support your students in exploring opportunities that align with their interests and academic needs. You can share the link to the general online catalogue or recommend specific courses related to your field.

Unite! aims to provide students with access to relevant offerings in their field across Europe. The Unite! Student catalogue serves as a key tool to realise this goal. Check out Unite!’s offerings or make a submission today!

*The catalogue is a key outcome of Unite!’s Deliverable 5.1: Strategy for the promotion of educational offerings.

Key Information

What: Unite! Student Catalogue

Why?: A strategic tool to provide students from partner universities access to educational and extracurricular offerings across Europe.

Categories: Courses | Joint Master’s Programmes | MOOCs | Extracurricular Activities

How to benefit from the Catalogue:

Unite! Students (Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral.)

Explore and enrol in opportunities through Unite!’s Online Student catalgoue.

Follow updates on new offerings via Unite!'s Instagram page

Contact Persons: (Teachers and administration staff.)

Submit details of educational/extracurricular offerings via this submission form to have them featured in the catalogue. Submissions are promoted via the Unite! website, Instagram channel, and at the partner university level.

Faculty: (Partner university teachers, lecturers and professors.)

Please share catalogue offerings with students by recommending relevant courses.

Catalogue Goal: 

Unite! aims to provide partner university students with access to relevant offerings in their field across Europe, using the Student Catalogue as a key tool.