INSPIRED: a virtual trip to the stars
Students from three UNITE! Partners are designing a bioreactor for space missions in the INSPIRED project
UNITE! & Covid-19: united universities for a united solution
Technological universities have been key to face the Covid-19 crisis and provide solutions for the new challenges that have emerged. The University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering (UNITE!),...
"Competitive Entrepreneurship Summer Course" now open to UNITE! students!
The E4T project has designed a challenge-driven course for students who have some previous education in entrepreneurship or start-up. Hosted by Aalto and KTH, it is a high-level course with unique...
First UNITE! Bootcamp
The UNITE! Bootcamp I is organized by the Task Force on Virtual Campus (TF4) and Teaching and Learning Academy (TF 5). During the two days of the Boot Camp, key topics will be discussed in parallel sessions...
Great success of the first UNITE! webinar
Since all universities of UNITE! had to move online because of Covid-19, The UNITE! Management Team decided to launch a webinar series dedicated to online student assessment and evaluation.
Aalto organises a Digital Business Master Class
Challenge-based course with a focus on digital technologies as tools for building businesses. Discover the advantages of digital trends, emerging technologies, business design thinking and data- driven...
UNITE! : webinar on online student assessment
Since all universities of UNITE! had to move online because of Covid-19, The UNITE! Management Team has decided to launch a webminar series dedicated to online student assessment and evaluation.
INSPIRED 2020 goes virtual!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the INSPIRED 2020 summer event at TU Darmstadt has been cancelled. Alternative, fully digital INSPIRED 2020 offer!
5 out of 55 ERC Proof of Concept Grants awarded to UNITE! partner universities
The European Research Council, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premiere European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. Every year, it selects and funds the very best, creative...
UNITE! network's first Dialogue event at Aalto starts to pilot joint activities
The European university alliance explores new avenues for joint actions for mobility, support services and learning.