The Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystems in Engineering and Technology (E4T) Erasmus+ project aims to provide more graduates in engineering with entrepreneurial ambition, culture and skills. 4 UNITE! universities have participated in this project, which comes to an end the next 31st October. The partnering universities have already developed their own entrepreneurial ecosystems as a platform for inspiration and via E4T they :
developed models for ingraining entrepreneurship education into specific engineering and technology curricula
Developed and carried out new course concepts into the policy action of the partnering universities
built a network for entrepreneurship education by implementing a pilot among the CLUSTER universities within their innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems
shared best practices for promoting hands-on entrepreneurial skills within accelerations, local hubs, technology platform and student-driven start-up activities
For the final event, the seven CLUSTER members of the consortium will present the project results while in the second part students who attended the final online course “How to Raise a Unicorn?” will present their projects to an audience of experts in entrepreneurship education.
The event is open to all UNITE! partners. Registration deadline: 1st September 2020.
For more information:
E4T final event programme