Promotional leaflet of the Unite! webinar on digital leadership
Promotional leaflet of the Unite! webinar on digital leadership
Unite! Invites you to join our webinar on digital leadership in times of disruption - What skills do you need as a growing leader?
Promotional leaflet of the Unite! webinar on digital leadership
This 21st of September the Unite! Alliance offers an online webinar for all its Unite! students, on digital skills and leadership in our era of digital transformation.

Time: Tue 2021-09-21 12.15 - 13.00 (CEST)

Location: Zoom, the link to attend the webinar will be available seven days before the event

Language: English

Lecturer: Peng Wu, KTH Alumn and Programme Director at Stellar Capacity



In the age of digital transformation and disruption, jobs and careers are in constant flux. The growth of hybrid and remote work models around the world have both opened up new opportunities as well as created new challenges for both workers and leaders.

Join Peng Wu, Program Director for Research at Stellar Capacity, to find out what skills both newly starting as well as well-established leaders need in order to thrive in these times of accelerated technological development.

Stellar Capacity is a global education company working with organizations and leaders in Europe to help them fulfill their vital goals around digital transformation and leadership. Stellar Capacity teaches skills that empower companies and leaders to adapt and grow in these changing times. Join Peng as he distills Stellar Capacity's experiences and research to show what skills will be in demand in the future. He will also share upcoming internship opportunities for those who are excited to work at the forefront of digital growth and adaptation with some of Europe's biggest and most impactful organizations and leaders.

For more information please visit