We invite you all to connect and interact with the community by following our profile:
https://www.linkedin.com/company/uniteuniversity. You may also add Unite! as an experience on you linkedin cv, be it as a project or as a part or full time occupation (if that is the case). When you want to tag Unite! in a post or somewhere else, beware to write: "Unite! - University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering".
You can also be part of the Unite!’s linkedin Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9103490/ that joins all Unite! community members (staff, students, professors and partners) for discussions around Unite! Alliance.
In this group both Unite!’s profile and any of you can share updates or news related to the project, so it reaches more people. You might also promote discussions or contribute to them. Share the content with your friends, family, and co-workers.