Unite! contributes to the European Universities Initiatives proposed by European Commission, and it's mainly financed by the Erasmus Plus and H2020 programmes.

The European Universities Initiative launched in 2019 to push towards establishing a European Education Area by 2025. The European Universities are transnational alliances of higher education institutions from across the EU that share a long-term strategy and promote European values and identity. The initiative is designed to significantly strengthen mobility of students and staff, and foster the quality, inclusiveness and competitiveness of European higher education.

Unite!'s main projects

Responding to a call in 2019 under the Erasmus+ Framework Programme, Unite! was one of the first 17 alliances selected for a pilot phase of 3 years to build the foundations of the future European Universities. In 2022 Unite! was re-selected for 2nd phase of the Erasmus+ programme, to continue with the full deployment of its projects. In 2020 Unite! also ventured into the "Science with and for Society" initiative under Horizon 2020, contributing to the Research and Innovation dimension of European Universities. The UNITE.H2020 ended in 2023, but it was a central project that allowed the alliance to innovate and expand in the R&I areas.

Unite! Erasmus +

EU funded competitive projects
To broaden and diversify the fields of cooperation among the members of the alliance, there is a continuous search for partnership and funding opportunities beyond the Erasmus+ and H2020 projects.
Unite! members are committed to jointly present proposals to the funding schemes of the European Commission and have already started to implement some projects such as the following:

Completed EU-funded projects
Explore the fruitful outcomes of Unite! as we proudly highlight completed EU-funded projects within the alliance. Aligning with the European Universities Initiative, Unite! has been at the forefront of transnational collaboration, promoting European higher education values. In order to boost the Research and Innovation dimension of the European Universities towards a European Research Area,  Unite! together with another 23 more alliances was part of the “Science with and for Society” 2nd call in 2020, as well as additional funding by the EU under the Horizon 2020 programmeThese completed ventures stand as a testament to Unite!'s dedication to enhancing European higher education: