Promotional leaflet of the Digital Business Master Class
Promotional leaflet of the Digital Business Master Class
Aalto organises a Digital Business Master Class
Promotional leaflet of the Digital Business Master Class
Challenge-based course with a focus on digital technologies as tools for building businesses. Discover the advantages of digital trends, emerging technologies, business design thinking and data- driven business!

Aalto University is hosting an interactive and fast-paced international online course focusing on digital transformation and optimisation as strategies. Concepts covered include platforms and ecosystems, business design thinking, data-driven marketing, digital value creation, data analytics and agile development methods.

DBMC offers students the opportunity for challenge-based learning through real business projects. Students work in international groups during two lecture weeks and an additional week dedicated to project work. After the course, students have gained knowledge and experience of key topics in digital business, digital strategies and the constantly evolving digital business landscape. This is complemented by project experience in international and multidisciplinary teams.

You can find more information about the course and answers to frequently asked questions on the course website: 

We have extended the nomination and application deadline to 22 May. Students may apply via

Event summary


1st of June – 7th of August, 2020




900for tuition fee students



Laura Kitinoja
Program manager, Digital Business Master Class

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