The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Communications Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS), an innovative collaboration among five prestigious European technical universities, invites teaching staff from CoDaS and Unite! partner institutions (Aalto University; Grenoble INP-UGA; Instituto Superior Técnico (IST Lisboa); Universitat Poltècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech) and TU Braunschweig to participate in the 1st CoDaS Teaching with Excellence (TwE) Workshop on September 4, 2024.
The CoDaS Joint Master program, launching in the 2024-25 academic year, aims to set new benchmarks in education and research in communications engineering and data science. A key component of this initiative is the annual TwE Workshop, dedicated to promoting teaching excellence and sharing best practices.
The first TwE workshop, organized by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC), provides a platform for educators to engage in discussions on diverse topics, including but not limited to, challenges of teaching in international master's programs, active and innovative teaching techniques, structure and content of the CoDaS program, joint master thesis advising and organization of project courses.
The "Teaching with Excellence" workshop will be a great opportunity to present the CoDaS master, discuss lessons learned in previous experiences, discuss the challenges of setting up an international master, and exchange ideas for new activities.
This event is an excellent opportunity for faculty members to contribute to and benefit from the collective experience and knowledge within the CoDaS network. Attendees can share insights, explore innovative teaching methods, and discuss the unique aspects of conducting joint programs across multiple institutions and countries.
"Both Unite! and the UPC are proud that our students promote greener mobility throughout Europe. For them, this is an excellent learning experience on how to generate social impact through citizen science. We are all learning from their enthusiasm, critical sense, creativity, and social commitment. U!Train is an experience from which we will all learn, keeping the value of meeting our colleagues in person, while also maintaining our commitment to the planet's sustainability."
Practical information
- Date: September 4, 2024 from 9:00 to 12:00 CET
- Format: Online (via Google Meet)
- Program:
9:00h - 9:05h: Welcome (David Rincón, UPC)
9:05h - 9:15h: Unite! - an introduction (Lourdes Reig, UPC)
9:15h - 9:35h: Description of the CoDaS programme: objectives, structure, programme, events (Stephan Sigg, Aalto)
9:35h - 9:45h: Industrial partners and CoDaS associates (Pasi Lassila, Aalto)
9:45h - 10:10h: Round table: Lessons learned from experiences of previous international masters ( Andrzej Duda / Olivier Gaudoin, Grenoble INP-UGA; Luis M. Correia, IST Lisboa; Stephan Sigg / Pasi Lassila, Aalto). Moderator: Lars Wolf, TU Braunschweig.
Break - 15 minutes
10:25h -10:45h: Promotion of critical attitude in problem solving classes (Luis M. Correia, IST Lisbon)
10:45h - 11:05h: ‘The good, the bad and the light in the first years of CoDaS’ (Andrzej Duda, Grenoble INP-UGA)
11:05h - 11:20h: Course of the CoDaS project: objectives and organisation (Stephan Sigg , Aalto)
11:20h - 11:35h: Profile of the first CoDaS class ( David Rincón , UPC)
11:35h - 11:40h: Closing ( David Rincón , UPC) - Event Website: CoDaS Program
- How to Participate: If you would like to propose a talk and/or attend the session, please fill the following form.
- For more information, please visit the CoDaS website. If you have any question, please contact and/or