Promotional image of a group people working together with a text that reads "ED-AFFICHE is working to pave the way for transnational campuses"
Promotional image of a group people working together with a text that reads "ED-AFFICHE is working to pave the way for transnational campuses"
ED-AFFICHE at the EUF workshop on pilot projects
Promotional image of a group people working together with a text that reads "ED-AFFICHE is working to pave the way for transnational campuses"
ED-AFFICHE at the European University Foundation workshop on Joint European Degree label and legal status for European University alliances pilots.
On 31 January, 2023, the European Commission announced 10 pilot projects to explore a Joint European Degree label and a legal status for European University alliances. These pilots will be particularly important to facilitate the deployment of the now 50 European University initiatives, which aim to create deeper cooperation and pave the way for transnational campuses.

The European University Foundation (EUF) aims to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. On 3 July, the EUF organised a workshop on the pilots in which its member universities are (in)directly involved. As ED-AFFICHE is one of the pilots working to make a Joint European Degree label a reality, ED-AFFICHE members were invited, and the project was presented by Josef Matousek (Charles University) and Meritxell Chaves Sanchez (University of Barcelona). Another European Degree label pilot was also invited, EDLab and was presented by Andries Verspeeten (Ghent University). Regarding the legal status for European University alliances, the pilot ESEU was presented by Meritxell Chaves Sanchez (University of Barcelona).

The European Degree label pilots focus their work on testing solutions for the implementation of a joint European Degree label. While the projects seek to identify the challenges in national legislations and regulations, they also seek to define the criteria for joint programmes and the benefits and functioning of such a new label.

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