Promotional leaflet of the Unite! Ginsen Summer School
Promotional leaflet of the Unite! Ginsen Summer School
50% off for Unite! students: Ginsen Summer School, a 2-week programme on Nanotechnology and Smart Energy
Promotional leaflet of the Unite! Ginsen Summer School
Ginsen Summer School is a Bachelor-level summer programme fully taught in English, organised by Grenoble INP – UGA. UNITE! students are invited to come and deepen their knowledge on these promising fields in an exceptional environment, at the heart of the French Alps. This year, it has been changed from an on-site format to an online programme due to the global pandemic and for everyone’s safety.
Grenoble, as one of the most dynamic centres in Europe in the field of Nanotechnologies, has also always been at the forefront of the development of smart energies. For 20 years, Grenoble INP - UGA has been organizing the Ginsen Summer Schools, which capitalize on its expertise in these two fields.

This summer programme offers 2 options, allowing you to explore your knowledge in the topic of your choice : Micro and Nanotechnology or Smart Energy. The Nanotechnology option will cover several fundamental aspects of this domain, from physics to nano-biosciences, and applications, from electronics to materials sciences. Smart Energy option will cover several fundamental aspects of the field, from smart-energy to emerging energy society, and applications, from physical modeling and optimization to machine learning and internet of things (IOT). Focus will be on different scales, from grid to home and office through urban scale.

The 2-week program combines:

  • Online academic classes (some are common to both options, others specific to the field of your choice).
  • A full online social and cultural program including virtual visit to world-class research facilities, Online guided tour of Grenoble City and its surroundings, and extracurricular activities, such as Online Game Tournaments, French Cooking Workshop, Pub quiz and so on.

Key Information:
Application deadline: April 23th, 2021
Program dates: June 28th – July 9th, 2021
Credit: 2 ECTS
Application Process:
Application link:

More information about Ginsen:
Download Ginsen flyers: Nanotechnologies – Smart Energies