Promotional image Unite! experience showing a picture of a male student.
Promotional image Unite! experience showing a picture of a male student.
My Unite! Experience: Ginsen Summer School
Promotional image Unite! experience showing a picture of a male student.
Simon Höglund from KTH explains his experience as a student in the Ginsen Summer School in Grenoble INP–UGA.

Picture of Simon Höglund

Simon Höglund from KTH participated in the Ginsen Summer School in Grenoble, a Bachelor-level summer program in Smart Energy, fully taught in English, organized by Grenoble INP–UGA. 


Why did you choose to join Ginsen Summer School? ?

Since I planned to not be working last summer, I was looking at different options for studying and travelling. I found information about the summer school on KTH’s website and thought that it sounded interesting to learn more about the relevant energy challenge, and it aligned well with my studies. 

How was it different from a “normal” university experience? 

It was different being abroad and studying with people from many different places around the world, and since it was an intense program, we became good friends during that short period of time. Moreover, apart from studying we had fun events planned, for example visiting Grenoble’s particle accelerator, and we also made our own plans in our spare time, trying to make the most out of our time in France. 

Did you learn anything new? 

Study-wise, I found the Smart Energy program interesting and educational. It provided a comprehensive view on our current energy system, and how technology can be used to create a sustainable future. Besides, I loved being in France and close to the alps, to discover parts of the French culture and learn some French. 

What were the best things about the Ginsen Summer School? 

Throughout the program I became convinced that I wanted to continue my emphasis in studying on the energy topic back at KTH, and we also received practical experience through labs. Moreover, I met amazing people, not only from Europe but also from Japan, Hong Kong, Colombia, and more. Still today, I remain in contact with many of them and I have been fortunate enough to meet some of them afterwards in person. 

Would you recommend Unite! courses to other students, why?

Yes, 100%! I had no clue what Unite! was before going to France, but I found out that there are so many great opportunities within Unite! that you can participate in. I wish that more students, especially at KTH where I study, become aware of what Unite! is and what it can offer.

Do you have anything else that you would like to share? 

At the Ginsen Summer School I met amazing people, among them Sebastian from Bogotá and together we outlined a project that allowed me to go to Bogotá for my bachelor thesis. Being in Colombia was truly an extraordinary experience that wouldn’t have taken place without the  Ginsen Summer School. This experience also made me take part of this summer’s Unite! Student Festival in Lisbon. My advice is to seize every opportunity that comes your way – you never know where it may take you! 

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