A scientist working in a laboratory.
A scientist working in a laboratory.
The Unite! Bootcamp on Open Science and Innovation closes after a successful 2-day meeting
A scientist working in a laboratory.
On the 8th and 9th of June 2021, Aalto lead the first Unite!H2020 Bootcamp: "What is Open in Open Science?", a co-creation event towards a common open science and innovation institutional vision for a high-impact alliance.

New digital technologies and tools, together with new open physical and digital infrastructures, have disrupted the openness of the institution of open science in universities and are remodelling their science and innovation practices, cognitive norms, and processes as well as challenging their existing cultures, missions, and policies.

All partners looked at which transformations are ongoing at their universities with the aim to align and reinforce partner’s initiatives towards a common open science and innovation institutional vision. We will together develop a Unite! Open science and innovation strategic roadmap towards a high impact alliance.

Check the full programme
The event consisted of a team-building session, a social event, and a co-creation workshop.

18:00 – 20:00 Social event: Cooking open science! The case of omelettes
